
ATTENTION Oklahoma church members

I am conducting research as part of the requirements for a doctorate at Liberty University. The purpose of my research is to engage Christian adults to help young adults in foster care transition to independent living.

To take part, you must be 28 years or older and a member of your church for two years or church clergy. Participants will be asked to take part in focus groups and give their opinions and ideas, which should take about three hours or less to complete. The focus group will be confidential, and the ideation form will be anonymous.

If you would like to take part and meet the study criteria, please help me connect with your pastor to discuss holding the brainstorm with your church and a few other congregants who attend with you. Contact me at [email protected] for more information.

A consent form is posted on this website. Consent information sheet will also be handed to you in person prior to taking part in any study activities. The information sheet contains additional information about my research. You do not need to sign the consent document unless they would prefer to do so. After you have read the consent information, I will ask you place it in a slotted box to indicate that they have read the consent information and would like to take part in the study. Participants will receive a $25 gift certificate following the brainstorming event.
